Collaboration with ABC Abracadabra

We are excited to collaborate with the youth inspired, nostalgic and community orientated “ABC collection“. The philosophy of building what people want is something that we are eager to support and experiment with. Being a community focused ecosystem ourselves, we are always researching ways to collaborate with like-minded projects that can help us grow our reach, establish credibility and cement our legacy with a reputation of transparency.

Integration Levels

The collection of 10K NFTs will have multiple purposes that will continually evolve as more use cases come to fruition. Each ABC NFT can add a personal touch to the Moon Tropica user experience in a different way.

ABC Museum 📷

Visitors will be able to spectate all 10,000 pieces in the ABC Museum.

Art 🎨

Players can decorate their property or businesses with owned ABC art pieces, displaying their ownership to the rest of the world.

Characters 🏆

Holders can use certain ABC NFTs to spawn up an in-game character relative to the NFT they own.

Quest 📜

Go on special quests dedicated and designed by ABC holders. These quests are proposed by the community and implemented by the Moon Tropica team.

Wager 🎱

Wager your ABC NFTs and battle others in mini games that are exclusive to ABC holders.

Merge 💥

Combine ABC NFTs with special Moon Tropica NFTs to create 1 of 1 special asset NFTs. These NFTs will have a mysterious power that will be announced in the future.

Experience 🎲

Attach your ABC NFT to Moon Tropica for unlocking a different experience others will not have access to.

A key directive of Moon Tropica is to collaborate with projects that have a community first directive. By emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy and active community the trajectory of success and sustainability becomes much more easily attained. If you happen to be an ABC holder, you might want to consider hanging on for even more perks in the Moon Tropica ecosystem 😉

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